By Jen
Judge much?
Yes, all the time.
It's a hard fight to change thought patterns and gain perspective. Nobody wants to be thought of as judgmental yet every one of us is. Lacking judgment, we would all be victims of kidnapping and horrific bike accidents. Survival requires judgment. Justice requires judgment. And judgment should be based on truth.
When the object is a person, how truthful is our judgment? We know too well what our minds are capable of (we have every good reason to hate ourselves!) and we eventually develop a system of checks before we speak, thankfully, for being careful with our words is useful. Keeping our opinions in line takes introspection to a whole new level, though.
Sometimes within the fight against our inner nature and in the striving to be a better person, we convince ourselves that we indeed are the better person, compelled to judge and qualified to condemn. Such a delusion for in truth, no person is better than the other: we are equal. All kinds of bad dwell in each of us.
"For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged …"
It's a worthy cause, this fight.